Risk Management
We'll Keep Your Accounts Safe
Provident Credit Union is committed to the safety of our members' information and accounts. With over 70 years in business, Provident has earned a reputation for absolute safety and soundness.
Protection Against Payment Scams
As payment fraud becomes more sophisticated, Dual Control ensures that a second set of eyes reviews transactions, reducing the risk of fraudulent activity draining your accounts.
Prevention of Processing Errors
Dual Control helps detect and prevent errors such as internal procedure breaches or inaccuracies in account numbers or transfer amounts.
Defense Against Compromised Credentials
Advanced tactics used by fraudsters to steal login information pose a threat to online accounts. Even if a criminal gains access to a user's credentials, Dual Control prevents unauthorized withdrawals.
Security News
Stay Safe from Artificial Intelligence Fraud
How scammers use AI
Protect Yourself During Identity Theft Awareness and Data Privacy Week
Stay informed and secure during Identity Theft Awareness and Data Privacy Week
Protecting Your Identity This Holiday Season
Tips to keep your information safe