Round Up Savings

Round up your debit card purchases


  • No monthly fees

  • 100% of eligible transactions matched for first three months on your first enrolled account 015

  • 5% of eligible transactions matched on this. All subsequent enrolled accounts after the first three months, up to $250 per year. Super Reward Checking not eligible for matching.

  • Current rate ​0.03% APY311

At the end of each month, transfer your balance to an eligible Provident savings account, loan, or credit line. Checking accounts are not eligible. Or, keep your funds in your Round Up Savings account and watch it grow.


  • Must enroll through online banking

  • Ongoing enrollment in e-Documents 

  • Only debit card PIN and signature-based transactions are eligible

Minimum Balance

No minimum balance.

Sign on to online banking to add this to an account.