Reach Your Financial Goals with Enrich 




Reach Your Financial Goals with Enrich 

Whether you want to save more, pay down debt, or build toward a big financial goal, knowing where to start is often the hardest part. After all, most of us weren’t taught financial planning in school. 

But it is never too early (or too late) to build up your financial literacy skills. At Provident Credit Union, we partnered with Enrich — your free financial wellness center — to help you take stock of your current financial situation, build toward your money goals, and up your financial literacy. 

We like to think of Enrich as your personal financial assistant. Part coach, part cheerleader, and part accountability partner, you can do a lot with this financial wellness resource. Check out some of our favorite features:

Get Personalized Results

Personal finance is personal. There is no one size fits all answer to reaching your personal finance goals, that’s why Enrich starts with a personalized assessment. By answering a few questions about your current money state, how you feel about your finances, and where you want to be, you’ll be on the path to better financial health. 

With this quick check-up, you’ll get:

  • Your financial situation assessed: A quick overview of where you’re at right now — and what motivates you. 
  • Recommended content: Skip the search time. We’ll drill down our library of free tools, courses, and content to deliver what will really help you reach your goals. 
  • A personalized action plan: Enrich works with you to build an actionable plan you can actually use. 

Plus, completing the assessment and getting your results takes as little as five minutes. 

Discover Your Financial Personality

Everyone sees money a little differently. Your life experiences, viewpoints, and even what you learned about finances as a kid all play a part in how you spend and save money. 

The study of our beliefs about money that influence our spending and financial behaviors is called financial psychology — and understanding how your financial psychology works is key to reaching your goals. Through a quick assessment, Enrich can help you learn a lot about your unique money personality

The assessment drills down to core topics like:

  • Emotional responses
  • Outlook
  • Focus
  • Influences 

In a few quick minutes, you’ll be able to see not only what makes your money personality unique — but how you can use both your strengths and weaknesses to reach your goals. 

Access Free Courses

Financial literacy is a lifelong learning process. To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled a library of free courses you can take anywhere, anytime. 

If you’ve been struggling to find a budget that works, “Creating a Budget (and Sticking to It)” can help. This course includes exercises to help create a customized budget based on your financial goals. In “Banking Beyond Checking and Savings” you’ll get a detailed overview of the many ways you can grow your money and protect your assets. And in “Assessing Your Insurance Needs” you’ll learn how best to evaluate your current insurance coverage levels, determine if you’re protected, and make changes. 

Courses range from beginner 15-minute overviews to advanced deep dives. Within each course, you’ll get an on-demand video, interactive quizzes, and immediate feedback to help you put what you just learned into action. 

Access Calculators and Worksheets

Calculators and worksheets take the guesswork out of planning for the future. Enrich offers several free tools you can access anytime. 

The “Emergency Fund” tool will guide you through preparing for an emergency, including an analysis of how much you should save (and when to start). If you’re looking to buy a home, the “Home Affordability” tool will help you decide how much you can afford — and if now is the right time to take the plunge. The “Credit Card Pay Down” tool helps you compare popular debt repayment strategies so you can decide if your current method works and what changes you may need to make to be debt free. 

With options ranging from basic budgeting to retirement, you’ll likely find a tool you need to help wherever you’re at in life right now. 

Track Your Progress

Enrich isn’t just a learning center; you can also use the platform to track your monthly progress. 

For example, financial stressors can slow down our progress and impact our mental health. Through Enrich, you can track your financial stressors over time, learning to adopt better money mindfulness habits. 

To help you stay motivated, Enrich also offers a monthly challenge. By taking advantage of our free recommended courses, you’ll be entered to win one of two $500 rewards each month. 

Financial literacy is a lifelong journey, but the key is to start now, no matter how small. With free tools like Enrich, you have the support you need to hit all your financial milestones. Sign up today